Lecture Schedule
26 January 2025
Interpreting and Teaching the Bible Keynote: Christ-Centred Interpretation and Teaching
Shane Deane
In this course, students will learn the importance of Christ-centred interpretation and teaching. They will study the biblical and historical evidence supporting a Christ-centred approach to teaching the Scriptures. Additionally, students will consider the debate surrounding Christ-centred teaching today and some best practices for teaching the Bible in a Christ-exalting way.
3-8 February 2025
The Church: Its Theology and Practice
Kirk Wellum
This course will consider the nature, attributes and marks of the church as well as its leadership and ministries.
9-14 June 2025
Systematic Theology II
Stephen Wellum
A careful and systematic study of Christian doctrines, covering the person and work of Christ, the applicatioon of Christ's work to us in salvation, the church, and the last things.
22-27 September 2025
Church History I
Robert Strivens
This course is an in-depth study of the theological and literary history of the Patristic and the Medieval Church.